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Welcome to AP Language and Composition!

DISCLAIMER:  This is a college-level course and therefore requires college-level work, quality, discussion, maturity, and time-management.  If you are expecting to pass this class and get an "easy A", you are in the wrong place.  This course is fast-paced, rigorous, and approved by the AP College Board.  If you do not feel prepared to put forth this level of dedication, you may want to withdraw.  However, if you decide to push yourself and are willing to put the time and effort in, this will be one of the best college preparation courses you can take.  If you find yourself falling behind, you need to talk to me!

Late work is NOT ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.  Plan accordingly.

Several Open Books


Disclosure Document

This document can also be found in our Canvas course.


Summer Homework Packet

This document can also be found in our Canvas course.



  • 11 Rhetorical Terms Tests

  • Research Papers

  • 5 Book Reports

  • 2 Class Novels

  • Practice AP Essays

  • Practice AP MC Tests



BOOK REPORTS: All Book Report Instructions are available through our Canvas Course.  They will be available for you to access and look at in advance. REMEMBER: NO LATE WORK



Argument, Analysis, and Synthesis Writing and Essays will be given each term throughout the year although we will be focusing and refining those writing styles and essay types during Term 3 and 4 specifically.

SIDE NOTE: Rubrics for self-grading each of the AP Essays is attached here.







The terms lists for each test are also included on Canvas.


May 14th, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

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